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Chapter 21

Maintaining Solaris Volume Manager (Tasks)

This chapter provides information about performing general storage administration maintenance tasks with Solaris Volume Manager.

This is a list of the information in this chapter:

Solaris Volume Manager Maintenance (Task Map)

The following task map identifies the procedures needed to maintain Solaris Volume Manager.




View the Solaris Volume Manager configuration 

Use the Solaris Volume Manager GUI or the metastat command to view the system configuration.

"How to View the Solaris Volume Manager Volume Configuration"
Rename a volume 

Use the Solaris Volume Manager GUI or the metarename command to rename a volume.

"How to Rename a Volume"

Create configuration files

Use the metastat -p command and the metadb command to create configuration files.

"How to Create Configuration Files"

Initialize Solaris Volume Manager from configuration files

Use the metainit command to initialize Solaris Volume Manager from configuration files.

"How to Initialize Solaris Volume Manager from a Configuration File"

Increase the number of possible volumes

Edit the /kernel/drv/md.conf file to increase the number of possible volumes.

"How to Increase the Number of Default Volumes"

Increase the number of possible disk sets

Edit the /kernel/drv/md.conf file to increase the number of possible disk sets.

"How to Increase the Number of Default Disk Sets"

Grow a file system

Use the growfs command to grow a file system.

"How to Grow a File System"

Enable components

Use the Solaris Volume Manager GUI or the metareplace command to enable components.

"Enabling a Component"

Replace components

Use the Solaris Volume Manager GUI or the metareplace command to replace components.

"Replacing a Component With Another Available Component"

Viewing the Solaris Volume Manager Configuration

How to View the Solaris Volume Manager Volume Configuration

  1. To view the volume configuration, use one of the following methods:

    • From the Enhanced Storage tool within the Solaris Management Console, open the Volumes node. For more information, see the online help.

    • Use the following format of the metastat command:

      metastat -p -i component-name
      • -p specifies to output a condensed summary, suitable for use in creating the file.

      • -i specifies to verify that all devices can be accessed.

      • component-name is the name of the volume to view. If no volume name is specified, a complete list of components will be displayed.

Tip - The metastat command does not sort output. Pipe the output of the metastat -p command to the sort or grep commands for a more managable listing of your configuration.

For more information, see metastat(1M).

Example--Viewing the Solaris Volume Manager Volume Configuration

The following example illustrates output from the metastat command.

# metastat
d50: RAID
    State: Okay         
    Interlace: 32 blocks
    Size: 20985804 blocks
Original device:
    Size: 20987680 blocks
        Device              Start Block  Dbase State        Reloc  Hot Spare
        c1t4d0s5                 330     No    Okay         Yes    
        c1t5d0s5                 330     No    Okay         Yes    
        c2t4d0s5                 330     No    Okay         Yes    
        c2t5d0s5                 330     No    Okay         Yes    
        c1t1d0s5                 330     No    Okay         Yes    
        c2t1d0s5                 330     No    Okay         Yes    

d1: Concat/Stripe
    Size: 4197879 blocks
    Stripe 0:
        Device              Start Block  Dbase  Reloc
        c1t2d0s3                   0     No     Yes

d2: Concat/Stripe
    Size: 4197879 blocks
    Stripe 0:
        Device              Start Block  Dbase  Reloc
        c2t2d0s3                   0     No     Yes

d80: Soft Partition
    Device: d70
    State: Okay
    Size: 2097152 blocks
        Extent              Start Block              Block count
             0                        1                  2097152

d81: Soft Partition
    Device: d70
    State: Okay
    Size: 2097152 blocks
        Extent              Start Block              Block count
             0                  2097154                  2097152

d70: Mirror
    Submirror 0: d71
      State: Okay         
    Submirror 1: d72
      State: Okay         
    Pass: 1
    Read option: roundrobin (default)
    Write option: parallel (default)
    Size: 12593637 blocks

d71: Submirror of d70
    State: Okay         
    Size: 12593637 blocks
    Stripe 0:
        Device              Start Block  Dbase State        Reloc  Hot Spare
        c1t3d0s3                   0     No    Okay         Yes    
    Stripe 1:
        Device              Start Block  Dbase State        Reloc  Hot Spare
        c1t3d0s4                   0     No    Okay         Yes    
    Stripe 2:
        Device              Start Block  Dbase State        Reloc  Hot Spare
        c1t3d0s5                   0     No    Okay         Yes    

d72: Submirror of d70
    State: Okay         
    Size: 12593637 blocks
    Stripe 0:
        Device              Start Block  Dbase State        Reloc  Hot Spare
        c2t3d0s3                   0     No    Okay         Yes    
    Stripe 1:
        Device              Start Block  Dbase State        Reloc  Hot Spare
        c2t3d0s4                   0     No    Okay         Yes    
    Stripe 2:
        Device              Start Block  Dbase State        Reloc  Hot Spare
        c2t3d0s5                   0     No    Okay         Yes    

hsp010: is empty

hsp014: 2 hot spares
        Device              Status      Length          Reloc
        c1t2d0s1            Available    617652 blocks  Yes
        c2t2d0s1            Available    617652 blocks  Yes

hsp050: 2 hot spares
        Device              Status      Length          Reloc
        c1t2d0s5            Available    4197879 blocks Yes
        c2t2d0s5            Available    4197879 blocks Yes

hsp070: 2 hot spares
        Device              Status      Length          Reloc
        c1t2d0s4            Available    4197879 blocks Yes
        c2t2d0s4            Available    4197879 blocks Yes

Device Relocation Information:
Device              Reloc       Device ID
c1t2d0              Yes         id1,sd@SSEAGATE_ST39204LCSUN9.0G3BV0N1S200002103AF29
c2t2d0              Yes         id1,sd@SSEAGATE_ST39204LCSUN9.0G3BV0P64Z00002105Q6J7
c1t1d0              Yes         id1,sd@SSEAGATE_ST39204LCSUN9.0G3BV0N1EM00002104NP2J
c2t1d0              Yes         id1,sd@SSEAGATE_ST39204LCSUN9.0G3BV0N93J000071040L3S
c0t0d0              Yes         id1,dad@s53554e575f4154415f5f53543339313430412525415933
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