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Appendix B

Font Administrator Utilities

This appendix lists and describes the Font Administrator command-line utilities. The utilities are:


Adds elements to the font path.


Lists font path elements in a comma-separated list.


Removes elements from the font path.


Installs fonts in the specified directory.


Lists fonts in the specified directory.


Removes fonts from the specified directory.

Adding Font Path Elements (sdtfpadd)

This utility adds the specified element to the font path. The new element may be added at any position in the font path. Only the root user can run this utility.

Command Syntax

/usr/dt/bin/sdtfpadd [-e topdir] position font_path_element


-e topdir

Specifies the directory containing the OpenWindows installation for which to modify the font path. If not specified, the default is /usr/openwin.


Specifies the position in the font path at which to insert the new font path element. The value must be either first or last or a positive integer indicating into which position to insert the new element.


Specifies the directory to add to the font path.

Listing Font Path Elements (sdtfpls)

This utility lists font path elements in the user's personal font path setting, or for the root user, lists the font path for the specified OpenWindows installation.

Command Syntax

/usr/dt/bin/sdtfpls [-e topdir]

where -e topdir is only meaningful for the root user, and specifies the directory containing the OpenWindows installation for which to list the font path. If not specified, the default is /usr/openwin.

Removing Font Path Elements (sdtfprm)

This utility removes the specified font path element. Only the root user can run this utility.

Command Syntax

/usr/dt/bin/sdtfprm [-e topdir] font_path_element


-e topdir

Specifies the directory containing the OpenWindows installation for which to modify the font path. If not specified, the default is /usr/openwin.


Specifies the directory to remove from the font path.

Installing Fonts (sdtfontadd)

This utility installs fonts to the directory you specify.

Command Syntax

/usr/dt/bin/sdtfontadd [-e dir][-v][-f][font_name ... ] fromdir todir


-e dir

If the user is the root user, the font path for the OpenWindows installation in this directory will be updated as necessary. That is, if todir is not in the font path, sdtfontadd appends it to the font path. If this option is not specified, the default is /usr/openwin.


Runs sdtfontadd in verbose mode, displaying a message to standard output (usually the monitor) as each font is installed.


Runs sdtfontadd with no user interaction. If a conflicting font is read-only, it is not overwritten. Otherwise, conflicting fonts are replaced by the new font.

font_name ...

Represents a list of fonts to install.

Note - Type quotes around font names to make sure that they are interpreted correctly.

If no font is specified on the command line, sdtfontadd expects to receive font names from standard input (usually the keyboard).


Specifies the directory from which sdtfontadd will copy the fonts.


Specifies the directory into which sdtfontadd will install the fonts.

Listing Fonts (sdtfontls)

This utility lists fonts in a directory.

Command Syntax

/usr/dt/bin/sdtfontls [-x][dir]



Lists fonts by their X Logical Font Descriptor or XLFD name. Bitmap (PCF) and Type 1 fonts are listed by their XLFD names. Font types that have no XLFD name and are only accessible through Display Postscript, such as Type 3 and Type 0, are not listed.


Specifies the directory to list fonts from. If no directory is specified, the default is the current directory.

Removing Fonts (sdtfontrm)

This utility removes the fonts you specify from a directory.

Command Syntax

/usr/dt/bin/sdtfontrm [-e dir][-v][-f][font_name ... ] fromdir


-e dir

If the user is the root user, the font path for the OpenWindows installation in this directory will be updated as necessary. That is, if fromdir becomes empty as a result of removing fonts, sdtfontrm removes it from the font path. If this option is not specified, the default is /usr/openwin.


Runs sdtfontrm in verbose mode, displaying a message to standard output (usually the monitor) as each font is removed.


Runs sdtfontrm with no user interaction. Conflict situations may arise if there are read-only or system fonts on the list of fonts to remove. When the -f option is used, system fonts will be deleted, but read-only fonts will not be deleted.

font_name ...

Represents a list of fonts to remove.

Note - Type quotes around font names to make sure that they are interpreted correctly.

If no font is specified on the command line, sdtfontrm expects to receive font names from standard input (usually the keyboard).


Specifies the directory from which sdtfontrm will remove fonts.

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