[rancid] Revision controlled full backup without notification?

Lee ler762 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 27 05:51:39 UTC 2016

On 2/26/16, Chris Bennett <chris at ceegeebee.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Is there a way of using RANCID to perform standard config backups with
> password removal etc & change notification, coupled with a full
> untouched backup of the config in revision control without change
> notification?  I'm wanting to ensure I have both useful change
> notification emails, whilst having a full copy of the config for
> restore/DR purposes.

It's pretty easy - control_rancid puts the diff output into $TMP.diff
So have rancid do unmodified config backups & add something like the following

# -LR- begin: remove passwords etc. from diff listing
sanitize.sh $TMP.diff >$TMP.diff2
/bin/mv  $TMP.diff2 $TMP.diff

in control_rancid to remove the sensitive bits from the file before
mailing it out.


$ cat sanitize.sh
# script to sanitize a ciscso config

awk '
/^Index: configs/ { if ( NR != 1) printf("\n\n\n") }
  # IOS stuph
  strip("key 7 ", "xXxXxX")
  strip("md5 7 ", "xXxXxX")
  strip("password 3 ", "xXxXxX")
  strip("password 5 ", "xXxXxX")
  strip("password 7 ", "xXxXxX")
  strip("secret 5 ", "xXxXxX")
  strip("snmp-server community ", "xXxXxX")
  strip("crypto isakmp key ", "xXxXxX")
  strip("tacacs-server key 7 ", "xXxXxX")

  # CatOS stuph
  strip("set password "  , "xXxXxX")
  strip("set enablepass ", "xXxXxX")
  strip("set snmp community read-only "     , "xXxXxX")
  strip("set snmp community read-write "    , "xXxXxX")
  strip("set snmp community read-write-all ", "xXxXxX")
  strip("set tacacs key ", "xXxXxX")

  print $0

func strip(s, r) {
  sub(s " *[^ ]*", s r, $0)
'  $1


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