[rancid] Re: Monitoring rancid poll failures

Austin Schutz tex at off.org
Wed Nov 25 05:52:57 UTC 2009

Lance Vermilion wrote:
> Austin,
> I am sure you already know RANCID is going to be an option with 
> OpenNMS's next stable release. Pretty handy but I think you were looking 
> at a way to add an API like concept to RANCID so other NMS tools could 
> tie into it.

I wanted to check this out before actually responding. It is pretty cool 
that there is a way to access the inventory through the nms itself. Not 
what I had in mind at all, and fairly limited, but pretty cool.

I want the opposite of what you suggest. I want an API like concept in 
my NMS tool so I can tie into that. I want something intuitive I can 
generate my own alarms with, not provide an API from my tool (rancid in 
this case) or hork together my own snmpd or trap generator to try to 
make something appear in the nms.

I think I may be able to bend the send-event.pl script included with 
opennms to my will. In fact, it already seems to understand that rancid 
can have event failures, so that's humongous progress right there.

I'm also going to check out Zabbix.

Thanks for the tips. These are good tools, and certainly the price can't 
be beat.


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