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7.  Object File Format Dynamic Linking Procedure Linkage Table (Processor-Specific) SPARC: 64-bit Procedure Linkage Table  Previous   Contents   Next 

Following the steps below, the runtime linker and program jointly resolve the symbolic references through the procedure linkage table. Again, the steps described below are for explanation only. The precise execution-time behavior of the runtime linker is not specified.

  1. When first creating the memory image of the program, the runtime linker changes the initial procedure linkage table entries, making them transfer control to one of the runtime linker's own routines. The runtime linker also stores an extended word of identification information in the third entry. When the runtime linker receives control, it can examine this extended word to find which object called it.

  2. All other procedure linkage table entries initially transfer to the first or second entry. Those entries establish a stack frame and call the runtime linker.

  3. With the identification value, the runtime linker gets its data structures for the object, including the relocation table.

  4. The runtime linker computes the index of the relocation entry for the table slot.

  5. With the index information, the runtime linker gets the symbol's real value, unwinds the stack, modifies the procedure linkage table entry, and transfers control to the desired destination.

The runtime linker does not have to create the instruction sequences under the memory segment column, it might. If it does, some points deserve more explanation.

  • To make the code re-entrant, the procedure linkage table's instructions are changed in a particular sequence. If the runtime linker is fixing a function's procedure linkage table entry and a signal arrives, the signal handling code must be able to call the original function with predictable and correct results.

  • The runtime linker may change up to eight words to convert an entry. The runtime linker can update only a single word atomically with regard to instruction execution. Therefore, re-entrancy is achieved by first overwriting the nop instructions with their replacement instructions, and then patching the ba,a, and the sethi if using a 64-bit store. If a re-entrant function call occurs just prior to the last patch, the runtime linker gains control a second time. Although both invocations of the runtime linker modify the same procedure linkage table entry, their changes do not interfere with each other.

  • If the initial sethi instruction is changed, it can only be replaced by a nop.

Changing the pointer as done for the second form of entry is done using a single atomic 64-bit store.

Note - The different instruction sequences shown for .PLT101, .PLT102, and .PLT103 demonstrate how the update may be optimized for the associated destination.

The LD_BIND_NOW environment variable changes dynamic linking behavior. If its value is non-null, the runtime linker processes R_SPARC_JMP_SLOT relocation entries (procedure linkage table entries) before transferring control to the program.

IA: 32-bit Procedure Linkage Table

For 32-bit IA dynamic objects, the procedure linkage table resides in shared text but uses addresses in the private global offset table. The runtime linker determines the absolute addresses of the destinations and modifies the global offset table's memory image accordingly. The runtime linker thus redirects the entries without compromising the position-independence and shareability of the program's text. Executable files and shared object files have separate procedure linkage tables.

Table 7-49 IA: Absolute Procedure Linkage Table Example

    pushl   got_plus_4
    jmp     *got_plus_8
    nop;    nop
    nop;    nop
    jmp     *name1_in_GOT
    pushl   $offset
    jmp     .PLT0@PC
    jmp     *name2_in_GOT
    pushl   $offset
    jmp     .PLT0@PC

Table 7-50 IA: Position-Independent Procedure Linkage Table Example

    pushl   4(%ebx)
    jmp     *8(%ebx)
    nop;    nop
    nop;    nop
    jmp     *name1@GOT(%ebx)
    pushl   $offset
    jmp     .PLT0@PC
    jmp     *name2@GOT(%ebx)
    pushl   $offset
    jmp     .PLT0@PC

Note - As the preceding examples show, the procedure linkage table instructions use different operand addressing modes for absolute code and for position-independent code. Nonetheless, their interfaces to the runtime linker are the same.

Following the steps below, the runtime linker and program cooperate to resolve the symbolic references through the procedure linkage table and the global offset table.

  1. When first creating the memory image of the program, the runtime linker sets the second and third entries in the global offset table to special values. The steps below explain these values.

  2. If the procedure linkage table is position-independent, the address of the global offset table must be in %ebx. Each shared object file in the process image has its own procedure linkage table, and control transfers to a procedure linkage table entry only from within the same object file. So, the calling function must set the global offset table base register before it calls the procedure linkage table entry.

  3. For example, the program calls name1, which transfers control to the label .PLT1.

  4. The first instruction jumps to the address in the global offset table entry for name1. Initially, the global offset table holds the address of the following pushl instruction, not the real address of name1.

  5. The program pushes a relocation offset (offset) on the stack. The relocation offset is a 32-bit, nonnegative byte offset into the relocation table. The designated relocation entry has the type R_386_JMP_SLOT, and its offset specifies the global offset table entry used in the previous jmp instruction. The relocation entry also contains a symbol table index, which the runtime linker uses to get the referenced symbol, name1.

  6. After pushing the relocation offset, the program jumps to .PLT0, the first entry in the procedure linkage table. The pushl instruction pushes the value of the second global offset table entry (got_plus_4 or 4(%ebx)) on the stack, giving the runtime linker one word of identifying information. The program then jumps to the address in the third global offset table entry (got_plus_8 or 8(%ebx)), to jump to the runtime linker.

  7. The runtime linker unwinds the stack, checks the designated relocation entry, gets the symbol's value, stores the actual address of name1 in its global offset entry table, and jumps to the destination.

  8. Subsequent executions of the procedure linkage table entry transfer directly to name1, without calling the runtime linker again. The jmp instruction at .PLT1 jumps to name1 instead of falling through to the pushl instruction.

The LD_BIND_NOW environment variable changes dynamic linking behavior. If its value is non-null, the runtime linker processes R_386_JMP_SLOT relocation entries (procedure linkage table entries) before transferring control to the program.

Hash Table

A hash table of Elf32_Word or Elf64_Word objects supports symbol table access. The symbol table to which the hashing is associated is specified in the sh_link entry of the hash table's section header (refer to Table 7-15). Labels appear below to help explain the hash table organization, but they are not part of the specification.

Figure 7-11 Symbol Hash Table

The bucket array contains nbucket entries, and the chain array contains nchain entries; indexes start at 0. Both bucket and chain hold symbol table indexes. Chain table entries parallel the symbol table. The number of symbol table entries should equal nchain, so symbol table indexes also select chain table entries.

A hashing function accepts a symbol name and returns a value that can be used to compute a bucket index. Consequently, if the hashing function returns the value x for some name, bucket [x%nbucket] gives an index y into both the symbol table and the chain table. If the symbol table entry is not the one desired, chain[y] gives the next symbol table entry with the same hash value.

You can follow the chain links until either the selected symbol table entry holds the desired name or the chain entry contains the value STN_UNDEF.

The hash function is as follows:

unsigned long
elf_Hash(const unsigned char *name)
    unsigned long h = 0, g;
	    while (*name)
		     h = (h << 4) + *name++;
		     if (g = h & 0xf0000000)
			      h ^= g >> 24;
				   h &= ~g;
	    return h;
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