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6.  Advanced Package Creation Techniques Accommodating Relocation Walking Base Directories Example--Analysis Scripts That Walk a BASEDIR  Previous   Contents   Next 

The checkinstall Script

# checkinstall
script for SUNWstuf to politely suspend
grep quitinstall $1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
	exit 3		# politely suspend installation
exit 0

This approach would not work very well if the base directory was simply /opt. This package has to call out the BASEDIR more precisely since /opt would be difficult to walk. In fact, depending on the mount scheme, it may not be possible. The example walks the base directory by creating a new directory under /opt, which does not introduce any problems.

This example uses a request script and a checkinstall script even though versions of Solaris prior to the 2.5 release cannot run a checkinstall script. The checkinstall script in this example is used for the purpose of politely halting the installation in response to a private message in the form of the string "quitinstall." If this script executes under the Solaris 2.3 release, the checkinstall script is ignored and the request script halts the installation with an error message.

Remember that prior to the Solaris 2.5 and compatible releases, the BASEDIR parameter is a read-only parameter and cannot be changed by the request script. For this reason, if an old version of the SunOS operating system is detected (by testing for a conditioned CLIENT_BASEDIR environment variable), the request script has only two options--continue or quit.

Using Relative Parametric Paths

If your software product might be installed on older versions of the SunOS operating system, the request script needs to do all the necessary work. This approach can also be used to manipulate multiple directories. If additional directories are required, they still need to be included under a single base directory in order to provide an easily administrable product. While the BASEDIR parameter does not provide the level of granularity available in the latest Solaris release, your package can still walk the base directory by using the request script to manipulate parametric paths. This is how the pkginfo and pkgmap files might look.

The pkginfo File

# pkginfo file
NAME=software stuff 
DESC=a set of utilities that do stuff
VENDOR=Sun Microsystems, Inc.
HOTLINE=Please contact your local service provider
CLASSES=none daemon

The pkgmap File

: 1 1758
1 d none $SUBBASE/EZstuf 0775 root bin
1 f none $SUBBASE/EZstuf/dirdel 0555 bin bin 40 773 751310229
1 f none $SUBBASE/EZstuf/usrdel 0555 bin bin 40 773 751310229
1 f none $SUBBASE/EZstuf/filedel 0555 bin bin 40 773 751310229
1 d none $SUBBASE/HRDstuf 0775 root bin
1 f none $SUBBASE/HRDstuf/mksmart 0555 bin bin 40 773 751310229
1 f none $SUBBASE/HRDstuf/mktall 0555 bin bin 40 773 751310229
1 f none $SUBBASE/HRDstuf/mkcute 0555 bin bin 40 773 751310229
1 f none $SUBBASE/HRDstuf/mkeasy 0555 bin bin 40 773 751310229
1 d none /etc	? ? ?
1 d none /etc/rc2.d ? ? ?
1 f daemon /etc/rc2.d/S70dostuf 0744 root sys 450 223443
1 i pkginfo 348 28411 760740163
1 i postinstall 323 26475 751309908
1 i postremove 402 33179 751309945
1 i preinstall 321 26254 751310019
1 i preremove 320 26114 751309865
1 i i.daemon 509 39560 752978103
1 i r.daemon 320 24573 742152591

This example is not perfect. A pkginfo -r command returns /opt for the installation base, which is pretty ambiguous. Many packages are in /opt, but at least it is a meaningful directory. Just like the previous example, this next example fully supports multiple architectures and versions. The request script can be tailored to the needs of the specific package and resolve whatever dependencies are applicable.

Example--A request Script That Walks a Relative Parametric Path

# request script
for SUNWstuf to walk a parametric path
PATH=/usr/sadm/bin:${PATH}	# use admin utilities
MSG="The target directory $LOCAL_BASE already contains \
different architecture or version of $PKG. This package \
could be installed at the unused target directory $WRKNG_BASE."
PROMPT="Do you want to use to the proposed directory? "
HELP="A response of \"y\" will install to the proposed directory \
and continue, \"n\" will request a different directory. If \
the option \"-a none\" was used, press the <RETURN> key and \
enter an unused base directory when it is requested."
DIRPROMPT="Select a relative target directory under $BASEDIR/"
DIRHELP="The package $PKG will be installed at the location entered."
SUSPEND="Suspending installation at user request using error \
code 1."
NUBD_MSG="The location of this package is not the default. Be \
sure to update any applicable search paths with the actual \
location of the binaries which are at $WRKNG_BASE/EZstuf \
and $WRKNG_BASE/HRDstuf."
# Determine if this product is actually installed in the working
# base directory.
Product_is_present () {
	  if [ -d $WRKNG_BASE/EZstuf -o -d $WRKNG_BASE/HRDstuf ]; then
		    return 1
		    return 0
if [ ${BASEDIR} ]; then
	  # This may be an old version of Solaris. In the latest Solaris
	  # CLIENT_BASEDIR won't be defined yet. In older versions it is.
	  if [ ${CLIENT_BASEDIR} ]; then
	  else	# The base directory hasn't been processed yet
# See if the base directory is already in place and walk it if
# possible
while [ -d ${WRKNG_BASE} -a Product_is_present ]; do
		 # There is a conflict
		 # Is this an update of the same arch & version?
		 if [ ${UPDATE} ]; then
			   exit 0	# It's out of our hands.
			   # So this is a different architecture or
			   # version than what is already there.
			   # Walk the base directory
			   Suffix=`expr $Suffix + 1`
# So now we can propose a base directory that isn't claimed by
# any of our other versions.
if [ $Changed ]; then
		 puttext "$MSG"
		 result=`ckyorn -Q -d "a" -h "$HELP" -p "$PROMPT"`
		 if [ $? -eq 3 ]; then
			   puttext "$SUSPEND"
			   exit 1
		 if [ $result="n" ]; then
			   WRKNG_BASE=`ckpath -lyw -d "$WRKNG_BASE" -h "$DIRHELP" \
			   -p "$DIRPROMPT"`
		    elif [ $result="a" ]; then
			       exit 0
			       exit 1
		    echo SUBBASE=$SUBBASE.$Suffix >> $1
		    puttext "$NUBD_MSG"
exit 0
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