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50.  Copying UFS Files and File Systems (Tasks) Copying Files to Tape With the cpio Command How to Retrieve Specific Files From a Tape (cpio)  Previous   Contents   Next 

Example--Retrieving Specific Files From a Tape (cpio)

The following example shows how to retrieve all files with the chapter suffix from the tape in drive 0.

$ cd /home/smith/Book
$ cpio -icv "*chapter" < /dev/rmt/0
31 blocks
$ ls -l

Copying Files to a Remote Tape Device

How to Copy Files to a Remote Tape Device (tar and dd)

  1. The following prerequisites must be met to use a remote tape drive:

    1. The local hostname (and optionally the username of the user doing the copy) must appear in the remote system's /etc/hosts.equiv file. Or, the user doing the copy must have his or her home directory accessible on the remote machine, and have the local machine name in $HOME/.rhosts.

      For more information, see hosts.equiv(4).

    2. An entry for the remote system must be in the local system's /etc/inet/hosts file or in the name service hosts file.

  2. To test whether you have the appropriate permission to execute a remote command, try the following:

    $ rsh remotehost echo test

    If test is echoed back to you, you have permission to execute remote commands. If Permission denied is echoed, check your setup as described in step 1.

  3. Change to the directory where you want to put the files.

  4. Insert the tape into the tape drive.

  5. Copy the files to a remote tape drive.

    $ tar cvf - filenames | rsh remote-host dd of=/dev/rmt/n obs=block-size

    tar cf

    Creates a tape archive, lists the files as they are archived, and specifies the tape device.

    - (Hyphen)

    Represents a place holder for the tape device.


    Identifies the files to be copied.

    | rsh remote-host

    Pipes the tar command's output to a remote shell.

    dd of=/dev/rmt/n

    Represents the output device.


    Represents the blocking factor.

  6. Remove the tape from the drive and write the names of the files on the tape label.

Example--Copying Files to a Remote Tape Drive (tar and dd)

# tar cvf - * | rsh mercury dd of=/dev/rmt/0 obs=126b
a answers/ 0 tape blocks
a answers/test129 1 tape blocks
a sc.directives/ 0 tape blocks
a sc.directives/sc.190089 1 tape blocks
a tests/ 0 tape blocks
a tests/test131 1 tape blocks
6+9 records in
0+1 records out

How to Extract Files From a Remote Tape Device

  1. Insert the tape into the tape drive.

  2. Change to a temporary directory.

    $ cd /var/tmp
  3. Extract the files from a remote tape device.

    $ rsh remote-host dd if=/dev/rmt/n | tar xvBpf -

    rsh remote-host

    Indicates a remote shell that is started to extract the files from the tape device by using the dd command.

    dd if=/dev/rmt/n

    Indicates the input device.

    | tar xvBpf -

    Pipes the output of the dd command to the tar command that is used to restored the files.

  4. Verify that the files have been extracted.

    $ ls -l /var/tmp

Example--Extracting Files From a Remote Tape Drive

$ cd /var/tmp
$ rsh mercury dd if=/dev/rmt/0 | tar xvBpf -
x answers/, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x answers/test129, 48 bytes, 1 tape blocks
20+0 records in
20+0 records out
x sc.directives/, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x sc.directives/sc.190089, 77 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x tests/, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks
x tests/test131, 84 bytes, 1 tape blocks
$ ls -l

Copying Files and File Systems to Diskette

Before you can copy files or file systems to diskette, you must format the diskette. For information on how to format a diskette, see Chapter 19, Formatting Removable Media (Tasks).

Use the tar command to copy UFS files to a single formatted diskette.

Use the cpio command if you need to copy UFS files to multiple formatted diskettes. The cpio command recognizes end-of-media and prompts you to insert the next volume.

Note - The use of the cpio command to copy UFS files to multiple formatted diskettes is not a straightforward procedure because of volume management.

Things You Should Know When Copying Files to Diskettes

  • Copying files to a formatted diskette by using the tar -c command destroys any files that are already on the diskette.

  • A diskette that contains a tar image is not mountable.

  • If you need a multiple-volume interchange utility, use the cpio command. The tar command is only a single-volume utility.

For more information, see tar(1).

How to Copy Files to a Single Formatted Diskette (tar)

  1. Change to the directory that contains the files you want to copy.

  2. Insert a formatted diskette that is not write-protected into the drive.

  3. Make the diskette available.

    $ volcheck
  4. Reformat the diskette if necessary.

    $ rmformat -U /dev/rdiskette
    Formatting will erase all the data on disk.
    Do you want to continue? (y/n)y
  5. Copy the files to diskette.

    $ tar cvf /vol/dev/aliases/floppy0 filename ...

    The file names you specify are copied to the diskette, overwriting any existing files on the diskette.

  6. Verify that the files are copied.

    $ tar tvf /vol/dev/aliases/floppy0

    For more information on listing files, see "How to List the Files on a Diskette (tar)".

  7. Remove the diskette from the drive.

  8. Write the names of the files on the diskette label.

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