[rancid] Lock individual router instead of group?

heasley heas at shrubbery.net
Wed Sep 14 16:06:46 UTC 2016

Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 08:48:23AM -0500, Brandon Ewing:
> Does anyone have a patch that would allow rancid-run to lock only a 
> router name instead of a group-name when -r is used?  We use syslog 
> watching to trigger individual device runs to get a rudimentary blame 
> log, but since all our routers are in the same group, some changes are 
> mis-attributed due to locking.  We can do it directly by running 
> control_rancid instead, but that runs into the issue of garbled commits 
> from race conditions if multiple changes are made.

I havent one, but am willing to look into it after I attend to existing

> Any other solutions people have to resolve my root request (try to 
> capture what user changed what lines) are also welcome.

we used command accounting when we had a problem individual(s).

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