[rancid] Repetitive RANCID Checks

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.mu
Wed May 14 12:54:03 UTC 2014

On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 09:51:42 AM Alan McKinnon wrote:

> As shipped, the commented value is the default. Toggling
> it is worth a try, but is not likely to change anything
> for you as you haven't changed it

So I initially set "ACLSORT=YES" and that didn't help.

Toggling it to "ACLSORT=NO" seems to be helping. I haven't 
received another annoying update in almost 3hrs.

> Ah, my mistake. I read your mail as saying you'd also
> upgraded rancid. Perl would only change rancid's
> behaviour if perl features that rancid uses now behave
> differently.

That's my thinking. 

> Is there anything in your logs about this?

I didn't find anything interesting when I checked yesterday, 
when it began.

> The rancid code that deals with prefix lists is
>         /^ip(v6)?
> prefix-list\s+(\S+)\s+seq\s+(\d+)\s+(permit|deny)\s+(\S+)
> (\/.*)$/ && ProcessHistory("PACL $2 $4","$aclsort","$5",
> "ip$1 prefix-list $2 $4 $5$6\n") && next;
> Is yours still unchanged?

Yes, this still looks good.

> if you run "perl -cw <filename>" o each perl script in
> your rancid bin/ directory, does perlc omplain about any
> of them?

I'll try this if I get another update. But nothing in 3hrs, 
so it's looking better than the last 24hrs.

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