[rancid] Re: Pulling down context configs from a Cisco FWSM

Ed Ravin eravin at panix.com
Tue Mar 27 15:45:12 UTC 2007

On Tue, Mar 27, 2007 at 07:55:40AM -0700, Lance wrote:
> In my opinion it shouldn't be too hard. The hardest part would be
> looking at the output from "show contexts" and substringing or
> delimiting the line via expect and then dynamically changing to each
> one and doing the commands needed needed.

The problem is that we're asking the *login scripts to do something
that is outside their model - normally the *rancid scripts send the
list of exact commands to run, the *login scripts run them and put the
output in a file, and then the *rancid scripts parse the output.

There's just no hook for dynamic / interactive commands, or returning
multiple files.  You've got the ability to "plugin" an external script,
maybe that would be the place to start, to write a TCL script that can
be called with the "-s" option to clogin, that would deliver the
individual files for each context.

But then we have to get the files into the *rancid program.  It
would be nice to do this without some ugly hack, like the ones I
usually code to get around RANCID's limitations.

> Ed Ravin should be able to code something pretty quick. He has solid
> coding skills and should be able to do this in a matter of a few hours
> max I would think. That is up to him though.

Thanks for the flowers, but you are being awfully generous with my time!
I have a suspicion that Austin and John are also otherwise engaged.

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