[rancid] removing device

Bob Peck bpeck at chimesnet.com
Mon Feb 26 15:34:09 UTC 2007

Whats the best practice for removing a device out of rancid.

This is what I did to remove one switch that was no longer in production.

I removed device login from .cloginrc, then I removed device from 
rancid.db, then I moved device CVS config into the Attic directory, 
lastly the device config I deleted since I don't need.  After I did this 
I'm getting following error in log for the past several days as well as 
rancid keeps sending emails of changes I made last week...

I'm wondering if I need to run a script after the manual removal... I'm 
not rancid savy...

cvs diff: Diffing .
cvs diff: Diffing configs
*cvs diff: cannot find configs/gige-core4.level3.chc-chimes.com*
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: Examining configs
*cvs commit: Up-to-date check failed for 
cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first!*

Thanks for any help...

Bob Peck
Network Architect	
Chimes, Inc
5455 Corporate Drive, Suite 303
Troy MI 48098

office (248) 293-6767 ext 270
mobile (586) 604-4665 

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