blogin Timeout

Fergus Roche fergus.roche at
Wed May 1 16:13:04 UTC 2002

On Tue, 2002-04-30 at 15:18, john heasley wrote:
> Tue, Apr 30, 2002 at 10:12:34PM +0000, john heasley:
> > 
> > please try attached.  set for rancid-2.2.1 maint rel RSN.
> actually, scratch that comment.  you probably want this version; but,
> i think the problem is really the case of "Login".  the user prompt
> its looking for is the regex "(Username|login|user name):".  if you
> add to .cloginrc:
> add userprompt bay-nr1 {Login:}
> i think this will work.
> i'm interested to know if the case has changed or if we've made a mistake
> somewhere along the line and inadvertently changed the regex.

Arrgh..Thanks for the help.I was using add userprompt bay-nr1 {"Login:"}
{Login:} works. I also had to add autoenable bay-nr1 1  
Once logged in, the older software version on my Accelar does not
support most of the commands used in blogin and brancid - I substituted
send "config cli more false\r" for send "more off\r" in blogin, and in
brancid, bcc is not available and "show config -all" becomes "show
config verbose"
Unfortunately my troubles do not end there and I am experiencing the
premature session termination described by Andrew Partan on 
Tue, 12 Mar 2002. The .raw file produced by brancid -d shows the output
being terminated within 10-20 lines of where it should end. If there is
a solution for this I'd love to hear about it.

Thanks again,

Fergus Roche
Loudeye Technlogies

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