rancid in a push configuration?

john heasley heas at shrubbery.net
Tue Jul 31 04:29:18 UTC 2001

Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 11:44:07PM -0400, Andrew Partan:
> > Not a bad suggestion. I used to be at Cisco, actually, and we had our own
> > Expect libraries which you could use to log in and execute commands on
> > remote routers. That was extremely handy.
> That is basically what clogin is.
> 	--asp

attached are the two samples.  we're not quite ready for a 2.2 release.
-------------- next part --------------
## Copyright (C) 1997-2001 by Henry Kilmer.
## All rights reserved.
## This software may be freely copied, modified and redistributed without
## fee for non-commerical purposes provided that this copyright notice is
## preserved intact on all copies and modified copies.
## There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness of this software.
## It is provided solely "as is". The author(s) disclaim(s) all
## responsibility and liability with respect to this software's usage
## or its effect upon hardware, computer systems, other software, or
## anything else.
# this expect snipit is sourced by clogin (-s option) to load a configuration
# file (named <routername>-confg into nvram from an rcp/tftp host.  this is an
# _example_ as it not guaranteed to work for all applications.  PLEASE test
# for your environment.
# it expects the following variables via the -E option:
#	rcphost		='host to rcp from' such as 'foo.org' or ''
#	confgpath	='path under /tftpboot where configs are held'
# the config file is expected to be routername-confg, where routername is the
# name as grok'd from the router's cmd-line prompt
# example usage:
# % clogin -s ./cisco-load.exp -Ercphost=foo.shrubbery.net router
# router
# loading router config from foo.shrubbery.net
# keep in mind that it is important to NOT polute the global variable space.
# particularly, do not use variables used within clogin.  this may result in
# indeterministic results.  an easy way to avoid this is to use a variable
# name prefix (like 'E' or '_').
# useful variables from clogin global space:
#	router		router name as provided on the cmd-line
#	prompt		cmd-line prompt as determined by clogin
# note: the tcl/expect parser is extremely stoopid.  comment lines are NOT
#       completely ignored!!  so, a '{' or '}' in a comment might produce
#       unexpected results.
# log_user 1
# exp_internal 1

# sometimes this is a bit slow.  note: this overrides clogin -t
set timeout 90

# take rcp host from -Ercphost='foo'
if ([info exists Ercphost]) {
	#puts "CONFGHOST == $Ercphost"
	set confghost [string tolower $Ercphost]
} else {
	send_error "ERROR: -Ercphost= was not set on the command-line.\n"

# logout of the router
proc logout { ecode } {
    global prompt

    send "quit\r"
    expect {
	"$prompt"       { logout $ecode }
	timeout { send_error "Error: timeout waiting for EOF after quit\n"}
	eof     {
		send_user "\n"
		exit $ecode }

# erase the nvram
proc erase { } {
    global prompt

    send "\r"
    expect $prompt {}
    send "write erase\r"
    expect {
	-re " Continue\[^\n\]\*confirm\]" {
		send	"\r"
		exp_continue }
	"$prompt"       { }
	timeout {
		send_error "Error: timeout waiting for write erase.\n"
		logout 1 }
	eof     { logout 1 }

# load a config via rcp into nvram
proc doload { confghost routername config retry } {
    global prompt

    # send a return just to be sure we have a prompt.
    send "\r"
    expect	"$prompt"
    # start the copy and send the host to load from
    # use tftp if retry == 1
    if { $retry == 0 } {
	send "copy tftp startup-config\r"
    } else {
	send "copy rcp startup-config\r"
    expect {
		timeout	{
			send_error	"\nError: timeout exceeded waiting for rcp/tftp host prompt\r"
			logout 1 }
		"mbiguous command" {
			if { $retry == 0 } {
			    send "copy tftp: startup-config\r"
			} else {
			    send "copy rcp: startup-config\r"
			exp_continue }
		-re "Host or network .*\]\?" {
			send	"host\r"
			exp_continue }
		"\]\?" {
			send	"$confghost\r" }

    # fill in the rest of the blanks.  username (12.0), filename, dest, etc.
    expect	{
	-re "Source username .\*\]\?" {
		send	"$routername\r";
		exp_continue }
	-re "Source filename .\*\]\?" {
		send	"$config\r";
		exp_continue }
	-re "Name of configur.\*\]\?" {
		send	"$config\r";
		exp_continue }
	-re "Destination filename .\*\]\?" {
		send	"startup-config\r";
		exp_continue }
	-re "Configure using .\*confirm\]"	{ send	"\r" }
	"proceed\? \\\["			{ send	"yes\r" }
	-re "Do you want to over write.\*confirm\]"	{ send	"\r" }
	-re "Accessing (rcp|tftp):"		{ }
	timeout {
		send_error "\n\tError: timeout exceeded while matching load prompts\n";
		send "" }

    expect {
	timeout {
		send_error "Error: timeout exceeded while loading config\n"
		logout 1 }
	-re "\[^\n\]*Connection refused" {
		send_error "Error: $expect_out(0,string)\n" 
		logout 1 }
	-re "\[^\n\]*Destination unreachable" {
		send_error "Error: $expect_out(0,string)\n" 
		logout 1 }
	-re "\[^\n\]*Permission denied" {
		send_error "Error: $expect_out(0,string)\n"
		logout 1 }
	-re "\[^\n]*No such file or directory" {
		send_error "Error: $expect_out(0,string)\n"
		logout 1 }
	-re "\[^\n]*Error copying\[^\n]*Not enough space on device\[^\n]*\r" {
		send_error "Error: $expect_out(0,string)\n"
		if { $retry == 2 } {
# erase stomps ssh rsa key
#    			send_user "erasing nvram\n"
#			erase
    			send_user "retrying load\n"
			doload $confghost $routername $config 1
		} elseif { $retry == 1 } {
# erase stomps ssh rsa key
#    			send_user "erasing nvram\n"
#			erase
    			send_user "retrying load with tftp.\n"
			doload $confghost $routername $config 0
		} else {
			send_error "Error: $expect_out(0,string)\n"
			logout 1
		} }
	-re "\[^\n]*.*configuration is too large.*\n" {
		send_error "Error: $expect_out(0,string)\n"
		expect {
			-re "\[^\n]*Truncate config.*:" { send "no\r" }
		logout 1 }
	-re "\[^\n]*Error (opening|copying).*\r" {
		send_error "Error: $expect_out(0,string)\n"
		logout 1 }
        -nocase -re "\[^\n]* error\[^a-z\n]+\[^\n]*" {
                send_error "$expect_out(0,string)\n"
                logout 1 }
	"\n"		{ exp_continue }
	-re "^\[^ ]*\#"	{
		send_user "load successful.\n"

    return 0;

send_user "loading $router config from $confghost\n";

# look for router hostname in prompt (ie: deal with fqdn)
send "\r"
expect {
    timeout 	{
	send_error "Error: did not receive prompt\n"
	exit }
    "\n"	{ exp_continue }
    -re "^(\[^ ]*)\#" {
	set routername $expect_out(1,string) }

# deal with config subdir?  from Econfgpath
if ([info exists confgpath]) {
	set config	"$confgpath/$routername-confg"
} else {
	set config	"$routername-confg"

# load the config
if { [doload $confghost $routername $config 1] != 0 } {
    logout 1

logout 0

# these were my original transcripts of performing loads.  it is a useful
# example of info you may collect to get an idea of what needs to be handled
# in the expect{}s
#  pdx-oob#
#  pdx-oob#copy rcp start
#  Address of remote host []?
#  Name of configuration file [a]? pdx-oob-confg
#  Configure using pdx-oob-confg from [confirm]
#  Connected to
#  Loading 8131 byte file pdx-oob-confg: !!!! [OK]
#  Compressing configuration from 8131 bytes to 3886 bytes
#  [OK]
#  pdx-oob#

#  12.0S-isms
#  pao2#cop rcp sta
#  Address or name of remote host []? eng0
#  Translating "eng0"...domain server ( [OK]
#  Source username [pao2]? 
#  Source filename []? pao2-confg
#  Destination filename [startup-config]? 
#  Warning: Copying this config directly into the nvram from a network server may
#           cause damage the the startup config. It is advisable to copy the file
#           into the running config first, and then save it using copy run start.
#  Do you wish to proceed? [no]: yes
#  Accessing rcp://pao2@eng0/pao2-confg...
#  Connected to
#  Loading 30138 byte file pao2-confg: !!!!!! [OK]
#  30138 bytes copied in 2.576 secs (15069 bytes/sec)
#  pao2#
#  sea0#cop rcp sta
#  Address or name of remote host []? eng0
#  Source username [sea0]? 
#  Source filename []? sea0-confg
#  Destination filename [startup-config]? 
#  Accessing rcp://sea0@eng0/sea0-confg...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#  89794 bytes copied in 0.704 secs
#  sea0#q
#  Connection closed by foreign host.

#  pdx-oob#copy rcp start
#  Address of remote host []?
#  Name of configuration file [a]? pdx-oob-confg
#  Configure using pdx-oob-confg from [confirm]
#  Connected to
#  Loading 8131 byte file pdx-oob-confg: !!!! [OK]
#  Compressing configuration from 8131 bytes to 3886 bytes
#  [OK]
#  pdx-oob#copy rcp start
#  Address of remote host []?
#  Name of configuration file [pdx-oob-confg]? pdx-oob-confg
#  Configure using pdx-oob-confg from [confirm]
#  Connected to
#  %rcp: /tftpboot/pdx-oob-confg: No such file or directory
#  pdx-oob#

#  pdx-oob#copy rcp start
#  Address of remote host []? 
#  Name of configuration file [pdx-oob-confg]? pdx-oob-confg 
#  Configure using pdx-oob-confg from [confirm]
#  Connected to
#  %rcp: /tftpboot/pdx-oob-confg: Permission denied
#  pdx-oob#

#  *** response from filtered pkt
#  pdx-oob#copy rcp sta
#  Address of remote host []?
#  Name of configuration file [pdx-oob-confg]? 
#  Configure using pdx-oob-confg from [confirm]
#  % Destination unreachable; gateway or host down
#  pdx-oob#

#  *** response from host w/o rcp daemon
#  pdx-oob#cop rcp sta 
#  Address of remote host []?
#  Name of configuration file [pdx-oob-confg]? 
#  Configure using pdx-oob-confg from [confirm]
#  % Connection refused by remote host
#  pdx-oob#
-------------- next part --------------
## Copyright (C) 1997-2001 by Henry Kilmer.
## All rights reserved.
## This software may be freely copied, modified and redistributed without
## fee for non-commerical purposes provided that this copyright notice is
## preserved intact on all copies and modified copies.
## There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness of this software.
## It is provided solely "as is". The author(s) disclaim(s) all
## responsibility and liability with respect to this software's usage
## or its effect upon hardware, computer systems, other software, or
## anything else.
# this expect snipit is sourced by clogin (-s option) to issue a reload
# command on a cisco router.  it DOES NOT save the config if it has been
# modified.  this is an _example_ as it not guaranteed to work for all
# applications.  PLEASE test for your environment.
# it expects the following variables via the -E option:
#	reload_arg	='command argument' such as 'at 05:00' or 'cancel
# eg usage:
# % clogin -s cisco-reload.exp -Ereload_arg='at 01:00' router
# router
#        Reload scheduled for 01:00:00 UTC Sat Jun 23 2001 (in 7 hours and 16 minutes)
# % clogin -s cisco-reload.exp -Ereload_arg='at cancel' router
# router
#        % Ambiguous command:  "reload at cancel"
# % clogin -s cisco-reload.exp -Ereload_arg='cancel' router
# router
# keep in mind that it is important to NOT polute the global variable space.
# particularly, do not use variables used within clogin.  this may result in
# indeterministic results.  an easy way to avoid this is to use a variable
# name prefix (like 'E' or '_').
# useful variables from clogin global space:
#	router		router name as provided on the cmd-line
#	prompt		cmd-line prompt as determined by clogin
# note: the tcl/expect parser is extremely stoopid.  comment lines are NOT
#       completely ignored!!  so, a '{' or '}' in a comment might produce
#       unexpected results.
# exp_internal 1
# log_user 1

# take reload command from -Ereload_arg='at 05:00'
if ([info exists Ereload_arg]) {
	#puts "reload_arg == $Ereload_arg"
	set reloadcmd "reload $Ereload_arg"
} else {
	send_error "ERROR: -Ereload_arg= was not set on the command-line.\n"

#send_user "$router\n"

send "\r"
expect {
     timeout 			{ send_error "Error: did not receive prompt\n"
				  exit }
    -re "^.*$prompt"		{ send "$reloadcmd\r"
				  expect * {} }
# look for response
expect	{
    -re "configuration has been modified.*no.:"	{ send "no\r";
					  exp_continue }
    -re "Reload scheduled .*\r"		{ set sched $expect_out(0,string)
					  exp_continue }
    -re "SHUTDOWN ABORTED"		{ set sched $expect_out(0,string) }
    -re "Proceed with .*confirm\]"	{ send "\r" }
    -re "\n.*No reload "		{ set sched "no reload scheduled"
					  send "\r" }
    -re "% Ambig\[^\n\r]*"		{ set sched $expect_out(0,string) }
send "\r"
expect "$prompt"
if ([info exists sched]) {
	send_user "\t$sched\n"
send "quit\r"
expect {
	timeout		{ send_error "Error: timeout waiting for EOF after quit\n"}
	eof	{ exit 0 }

## dennis#reload in ?
## Delay before reload (mmm or hhh:mm)
## dennis#reload in 100:10
## System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: no
## Reload scheduled in 100 hours and 9 minutes
## Proceed with reload? [confirm]
## dennis#reload ca
## dennis#reload cancel
## dennis#
## ***
## *** --- SHUTDOWN ABORTED ---
## ***
## dennis#wr
## Building configuration...
## [OK]
## dennis#reload in 100:10
## Reload scheduled in 100 hours and 10 minutes
## Proceed with reload? [confirm]
## dennis#rel
## dennis#reload can
## dennis#reload cancel
## dennis#
## ***
## *** --- SHUTDOWN ABORTED ---
## ***
## System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: no
## Reload scheduled for 11:51:48 PST Thu Dec 10 1998 (in 299 hours and 59 minutes)
## Proceed with reload? [confirm]
## ultra#reload can
## ultra#
## ***
## *** --- SHUTDOWN ABORTED ---
## ***
## ultra# reload at 8:10 10 dec
## System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: no
## Reload scheduled for 08:10:00 PST Thu Dec 10 1998 (in 296 hours and 17 minutes)
## Proceed with reload? [confirm]
## ultra#

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